Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Old Family Friends From Overseas ~ Minnesota

This last weekend has been so busy in so many different ways for my whole family. Long awaited old family friends from Minnesota, America arrived in Sydney very early on Saturday morning where my parents picked them up from the airport. For me on Friday I left my friends house after two days of staying with her which was great. Stayed at my place Friday night then went back the next day where I stayed Saturday night with her. Also did a few quiet things on Sunday like go for a nature walk amongst the spring flowers of the neighbour-hood and watching the very old musical movie called "Singin' In the Rain". We were both mesmerised by the brilliance of that movie with all the dancing and singing.

Meanwhile my parents were catching up with "Uncle" Lowell and "Auntie" Kathy over on the Northern parts of Sydney taking them to beautiful places. The only chance to see them was if I went over for dinner on Sunday night and saw them both for a few hours before my parents were to whisk them away on a day-trip to the Blue Mountains on the Monday. So it was decided dinner was the way to go and I trekked over to see them. When I arrived I gave them a great big hug "Hello! Welcome to Australia again!" greeting yet I didn't forget to say "Hi" to my parents... because I was seeing them also. Dinner was beautiful with my Mum trying out an experimental dessert on us all that had pastry, figs, almonds amongst a whole host of other tasty elements which we all loved.

On a more deeper note I was getting memories from my childhood, teenage years and also the last time they visited Australia quite a few years ago. When they saw me last time I don't think I had started writing my book "My Life With Asperger's". Yet at that time I knew that I definitely had a worthwhile book in me that I wanted to get out there. These lovely close family friends have known me since I was a little tot of about only six years old and have seen me growing also changing over the years. Uncle Lowell said that when we visited them in America he remembered "My black clothes" period where all I wanted to wear was black. I also mentioned them in my book also. For those of you that have read my book you can guess which part it was okay.

After dinner I got to it down and speak with Auntie Kathy for quite a fair time which was special. She had read my book and loved it which meant a lot to me. Her job back home is a part-time teacher and she helps teach different things. She was telling me that with one of her students the book has helped him along with a few other people as well which also had copies. With this particular teenage student he got inspired because I had actually achieved something with writing the book. When I heard that I felt really moved because my story was actually impacting people way over in America.... a country half way around the world for me.

Anyway I left really late that night to drive home yet were hoping to see them off at the airport as they were leaving for Western Australia today on Tuesday. Yet I couldn't really find the time because I had other appointments that I had to make. One of them was another walk down memory lane which I've been greatly looking forward to... Today I caught up with one of my old high school teachers yet more of that in my next blog entry......

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