Happy Birthday to my dear honey Deb's. It was her birthday on Friday 17th July 2015. Little did she know that I had most of the weekend full of surprises for her. She knew a few little bits and pieces about what was happening for Sunday night dinner. Yet in between times she had no real idea until her birthday morning. Here's quite a few pictures from the weekend for you all to see....
Deb getting her cake at my parents |
I don't know what happened with the uploads of the photo's because they are out of order and all over the place. Yet you get the general idea of it. The timetable for Debs' birthday was basically we were going to go to the growers food market at Warriewood
http://www.thebeachesmarket.com/ with my Mum and have a look around. That's if it wasn't raining on the Friday morning and take it from there with the surprises.
When we woke up in the morning it was raining and grey so my Mum had to cancel. Deb decided she want to go a cute little Swedish cafe down in Manly which I showed her before.

Afterwards we went to Target where I bought he a few new items of clothing for both her and I. We came back home for a short breather for about an hour or so to pack for our hotel stay in the city for the next two nights. The dinner surprise and after dinner surprise was going to cut it a bit fine yet I was determined to try to make them both. Luckily they were both down in Manly as well which was good. Trying to keep all these different little things from my honey was so hard and I loved seeing the surprises on her face... For dinner we went to a beautiful Greek place that we went to a some time before
The meal was absolutely divine where we were both so full. From there we were running a bit late to the next surprise which was at a local church in Manly. I was taking Deb to a CD launch of a Christian singer....
It was so moving that we were both in tears hearing the most amazing music. I bought Deb the CD and I was so grateful that everything I had planned for the weekend was turning out. When I say planned... I meant I had been trying to plan and prepare everything over the past one to two months in every way. From there we went to the Capitol Square Hotel to stay the next two nights.

We saw the matinee version of Les Miserables which we both cried in and both found it so moving...
We then went out to dinner out at Chinatown because it was so close and in walking distance
After staying overnight in the hotel we were both looking forward to going back to our little home for a much needed rest. We were soooooo exhausted after such a huge big weekend and needed a bit of a rest. After that we went up to my parents where my Mum had a gourmet treat of her beautiful amazing cooking. Also my Dad's and parents hospitality who have more than truly have welcomed Deb into the family big time...
It was a quiet night yet still a late night just the same... We got home safely where Deb's huge birthday weekend had finally finished with great happiness. I'm so glad that my beautiful lady had such an amazing time after all the rough times she had lately with other things in her life. After the weekend we both felt so much closer together. One of the things I enjoyed the most was seeing her reactions to all her surprises and seeing her smile also enjoy herself again... After all she is the best present for me that God has ever given me. I feel so blessed to have this amazing woman Deb in my life... I'm glad she had a Happy Birthday...