The picture on the right is my little Christmas tree that sparkles if you switch the little light on underneath. Also a little penguin decoration that Louise from the writing group gave me for Christmas.
Yet for me leading up to Christmas was quite stressful as having Asperger's I can find it quite hard with shopping centres and crowds. I avoided most of that by doing most of my Christmas shopping through the year and about a month before Christmas at some big shopping warehouse which was great.
Christmas day was spent with my family and a few family friends at my parents place. My Mum prepared an amazing unique lunch as she often does catering to all different tastes for everyone involved. On Christmas night I went over to my honey's parents place and their family for a while than went back my honey's place. On the way back we stopped off at the Mormon place and had a look at the Christmas light display there for a while. There were heaps of people there even quite late at night as it was. We had a quiet couple of days after Christmas together
New Years Eve was a really quiet day because we both felt so tired that we decided just to relax. We went to a nice little position down near Parramatta River at 9pm just to see the local fireworks. Then we came back and tried to stay up until midnight to watch the fireworks on TV. I made it to watch the TV yet my honey didn't. The next couple of days we spent together enjoying the company of one another. We were both contemplating on what the New Year held for us both..... Now over the course of the year I will know what is going on yet just have been enjoying the break a bit. I didn't set any proper resolutions yet I so have goals. What are your resolutions for the year? So I wish you all well until my next blog post....
Meanwhile I'm wishing you all a very Happy and blessed New Year!!
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