Hey there all! I found last night both to be interesting, surreal in a good way, nerve-wracking, surprising and totally unique
experience in

There was a talk being held at Castle Hill Library starting at 7:30pm.
Yet the trouble was getting there because Sydney was blanketed by very heavy rain with the last of peak hour traffic as well. Luckily my parents were coming with me and my Dad was driving the car which was great. My Dad was the photographer for the night so the event could be documented and shown here on my blog.
We ended up getting there really

After that time seemed to go really quickly because so much was happening. People started coming in, I met the lady from the publishers, also the library guy in charge, My Dad taking a few picture of me holding my book. Then a favourite old school teacher came in who I hadn't seen for about 21 years came and knocked me for six! So anyway I got fitted up with a fancy microphone and the proceedings began. It felt that like I was almost in a dream.The man in charge introduced me and then it was my turn.
So for the next hour and ten minutes or so I spoke in front of about 55 to 60 people about my book and my life with Asperger's. Also included in the time was where people could ask questions about what they heard. Hearing the range of questions was something like pot luck because I had no idea what was coming. After that I was presented with a bottle of sparkling wine and then the book signing began....
Talk about from going one thing to another really quickly was interesting because it was all new and I wasn't used to it. For the next 15 to 20 mins or so I was signing books and trying listen to names, spell them and trying to write neatly also. I was really surprised to see quite a line of people waiting for my signature and to talk to little ol' me.
By the end of the night we ended up getting back to my parents safely where we had a small late dinner and I stayed the night. My parents were full of praise and they were both bursting with pride about the talk. Going to bed I still felt like it was a dream that had just happened. I almost had to pinch myself yet the tired made it real. I nodded off to sleep with a sense of pride and achievement. Also a prayer of thanks to the big guy up stairs. So farewell for now m readers....