Today Friday the 2nd of July 2010 is my dear Mothers Birthday!! I rang her this morning and wished her Happy giving her the singing rendition of the song. Also I sang her "For she's a jolly good fell..person/woman....."
Yet I made sure I didn't call her fellow and also did the "Hip, Hip, Hoorays!" as well. She was really happy with that and glad to hear from me. We spoke for a while and we will be definitely catch up tomorrow which will be great.
Today I also announced her birthday on Facebook and also wrote on her profile. She also got a few "Happy Birthday's" from a few of my Facebook friends which was great. I being the proud daughter that I am passed on the messages or wishes to her.
When I was a really young and rebellious teenager I didn't realize or even understand what I was putting my parents through ~ Especially my dear old Mum. To be more correct she wasn't old at the time yet I'm sure I have given both my parents quite a few grey hairs in their time as well as my guardian angel. Yes the tall, big, lon

What I now understand is how much my Mum loves me and what i must have put her through. It wasn't until I've had some really tough times that my Mum and Dad stood by me and stuck through all the storms that came along. Some of them I thought I'd never get through.
Without my parents I literally wouldn't be here today without them. I don't know where I would be or even exist if they had not of met. But I think that could be another whole blog entry. As i was looking through photo's for the past couple of hours tonight I was thinking of all the times that we've shared as a family. Also how much they mean to me ~really mean to me. I was trying to find photo's which were nice yet also captured the moment. I indeed find many and was overwhelmed with options. I particularly wanted to find a nice picture of my Mum and I together. One thing good on having Asperger's is that you can stay focused for a long time not giving up easily. So i did choose these two photo's which are on the blog now.
So my dear Mum ~ I wish you the most Happy Birthday with all the love from my heart to yours....You will always be special....I am so lucky to have you for my Mum..... XXXX
Happy Birthday Sally