what all our Mum's have done and sacrificed for all of us. It only comes once a year yet i think we
should remember our mums all year around.
I've included a couple of pictures of my Mum in this post just to show you what she means to me. With the photo's they are not ones from today modern day because she gets quite shy in those photo's.
The sepia photo on the right being held in my Mum's arms I'm pretty sure was in my book. I was only less than a day old and was one of the first pictures that my Dad took of me.
The first one on the left was from a family portrait where Mum and I almost looked like twins with matching outfits on. I was between the ages of 3 to 5 years then. From then on we have shared many, many moments as a mother and daughter. Some have been good, bad, confusing, heartwarming amongst a whole lot of other emotions since then.
It also shows me how much I really do love her also how much my Dad and younger brother actually does actually mean to me. My family does really mean a lot to me and I appreciate them like nothing else.
Today I couldn't talk to my Mum because her mobile was out of range yet I hope that she had an excellent and special day! Yet I'm sure she did have a great one. I think it is one of the first Mother's Day where I was unable to contact her for various reasons and it did feel strange as well. I miss my parents when I don't see them...yet that is probably normal as I'm growing older.
I realize how much that they have done for me and how much that they love me. I also understand that they are growing older as well and that they do also have lives after raising my brother and I.
So this year may we also remember our special Mums not only on Mother's Day yet for the rest of the year as well! We are only blessed with these angels for a certain amount of time in our lives! So for my Mother I hope that you had the best Mothers Day and please remember how much I love you!! Also Happy Mother's Day to every single Mum out there as well around this wide world of ours!
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